Sunday, July 22, 2007

Intro to Chinese Dating...

You may laugh, and you may not believe me. But dating in China is fraught with both cliche's and interesting for its extremely simple nature. From the info we have gleaned there seem to be a few standards or goals for dating and almost all the students we have met have a girlfriend or boyfriend. The aspirations are as such...

1. Find boyfriend or girlfriend (pretty simple considering A. the number of people and B. the fact that just "talking" or going out on dates pretty much assures gf or bf status).

2. Buy couple's t-shirts. Shirts that are similar style but slightly different for the guys and girls.

3. Take photo booth photo in couples t-shirt. Carry said pictures in wallet or locket from that point forward.

4. Go to an Amusement Park together.

5. Hold hands

6. Kiss

Pretty simple.....haha. Granted these are just generalizations...although it seemed to be pretty common among almost all of the students we have met. Crazy

1 comment:

BritsMom said...

Hey Son, Regardless of the cultural differences from one country to another...please remember everything I ever told you about dating, girls, hands...and other things..LOL. You look great. I miss you like crazy.....(should we really use that word in a public forum?). xo, Mom