Friday, March 9, 2007


Over a week already...I'm dissapointing myself in my ability to blog. Time sure does go by fast, maybe if I could do it as a full time job? Then I would be on top of it. A couple of things....

1. I have the rest of my NY list, but I'm looking for some video/audio to go along with it, may not happen, but I'm trying to make the blog more entertaining

2. I got into Cornell's Summer Institute in Suzhou, China so I ship out in July... I'm very excited.

3. I saw 300 last night at the midnight showing. It was very good, I was suprised given how dark and sinister Sin City was, this didn't seem to match that intensity. But I thought it was a very good, fun movie with some great battle scenes.

4. Friends are coming to town over the next couple of weeks, so that will be a busy time and a lot of fun.

Hopefully friends are enjoying this blog, but even if not, I know that Vance reads, and an audience of 1 is all you need to get things started.....ha


Vance said... got me! Congrats on the China thing. Glad you liked 300. Your review seems to be the general consensus. I just hope I haven't hyped it up so much in my mind that I can't enjoy it while I'm watching it :). Anyways, take care and talk to you soon.

Kerri said...

Step it up, Sparkman. I expect some more entries soon ;)

Kerri said...

PS - I keep forgetting to congratulate you on China! That's awesome :)