I would like to draw attention to the fact that since Pat has "revealed" the reason for Superboy Lives on February 13, 2008 he has failed to have a single new post. Oh I've heard stories about a post about a skittles commercial, but now that I have heard the story three times I think that post would be anticlimactic. Since he has already told Kerri and I about the potential post, it would ring stale by now.
Pat has definitely entered the niche world of blogging. The super hero/comic angle is one that is very interesting, especially to a comic book novice like myself, but it requires Pat to be committed to coming up with original and insightful posts. In addition his Adam West posts and observations were really entertaining and funny so he has set the bar high for himself.
Dare I say Pat has peaked? Is it possible that he is suffering from a fear of not being nearly as funny as he was in the first few weeks? I do not dare say that (i'm not nearly that controversial), but I would encourage him to continue to work and create his craft. He cannot let the fear of a few less than stellar posts keep him from writing. He must engage and blog! Don't be fooled into thinking he is busy, we all know better than that. (Why just last week he played with a blogger counter and site recorder for hours to see where the hits were coming from when he could have been creating a new post.) I don't know why Pat won't post 2, 3, or preferably 4 times a week, but hopefully this public outcry will resonate! Join me in prompting Pat's attention to his blog....Superboy is counting on it.
I do dare say that Pat has peaked.
You on the other hand, my friend, are on your way up.
Maybe I'm just trying to stay far enough below the radar to avoid comment spammers! You have two above me on this very post!
Also, I may have peaked, but I think Kerri hit a new low with her "KERRIAS" post!
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